Eating well when practicing sports is essential to keep the quality of your workout high over time. Therefore, what you need is “combustible food”, starting with wholemeal or multigrain bread. A true ally of athletes, this raw bread can store a lot of energy for your body.
Before training, carbohydrates are what you need the most because they provide the energy you need for your athletic performance.
Moreover, before and during training, it is better to avoid products rich in fats and proteins that, in general, weigh on the stomach because our body takes longer to assimilate them.
It is also recommended to eat wholemeal bread because it’s rich in nutrients. With that said, some runners prefer to eat a slice of white bread before exercise. For a person who trains at all levels, sessions must be accompanied by an adequate and balanced diet tailored to their goals.
If you are used to taking large amounts of proteins, don’t forget that your body also needs a good carbohydrate intake. However, such intake should not be excessive; rather, it should be well balanced and regulated.
Should you eat wholemeal bread before muscle-building training? Wholemeal bread is a food rich in fibre, minerals, and vitamins. In addition, wholemeal bread also has more moderate sugar content. The result is the perfect glycaemic index, which can provide the daily carbohydrate requirement for an athlete.

What to eat with wholemeal bread?
Since you cannot live with mere bread, what should you eat together with it? Here are some tips on how to eat wholemeal bread before sports:
Whether you are a sportsperson or not, eating wholemeal bread is an easy way to consume unrefined cereals. For a person training at any level, training sessions must be accompanied by an adequate and balanced diet. This means that it is important to have a diet that is suited to your training goals.
For more information in regards to our various bread products please visit our website or alternatively, contact us via email at